Thursday, March 18, 2010

Going Strong

Its one of those nostalgic days, wake up in the morning with the fan still running from the uncharacteristically warm March night before. Sun beating through blinds. Leaf blowers and lawn mowers somewhere nearby. I'm brought back to the memories of summer mornings 10 years ago. A strange absence of chaos. Taking too long thinking about things I don't care about. Too much time trying to distract myself from the day I know is inevitable. It's not like I have a ton to do, it just gets tiring. I'm making progress on a personal level, baby steps everyday. The world around me though, seems to be splintering into fibers. My beautifully neurotic and hyper affectionate elderly pup could possibly have cancer, and is reduced to wearing a cone so she doesn't chew off her own tail. My grandfather was also hospitalized today for the umpteenth time in the past umpteen years for the umpteenth minor stroke (I hope...).

Time. What a force. Age. What a bitch.

What would life be like without uncertainty? Certainly far too boring. Certainly far too certain. So I say, bring on the pain, bring on the despair! And bring on their counterparts. Even the days are too long for waiting.

Feeling nostalgic too? Listen to these "Hey Jealousy" and "Found Out About You" from the Gin Blossoms