Saturday, November 28, 2009

Immersion Diversion

I was told by a close friend in recent weeks, that he could imagine me thriving creatively in an artist town, colony, whatever. I'm aware his observation was a passing one, yet it may very well be true, although I don't think I would ever subject myself to such an environment. I am far too big a fan of diversity. Nevertheless, his comment got me thinking.

Other than the physical, complete immersion is something I have never experienced. Right now I am physically immersed in a foreign land, but I have done little to immerse myself in its ways. Do I fear that if I do completely immerse myself I will lose part of myself in the process? I don't think so. Would it be an uncomfortable process? Most definitely. I've been told countless times, that in order to learn a new language, one must immerse themselves in a place where that language is spoken. That has always seemed a little vague. Does one need to focus on the language, the culture, or both. As far as I can tell, dialects vary from region to region along with culture, so in theory culture isn't as much a part of it. Yet in order to gain a complete grasp of any given dialect, the culture is as imperative as the language itself. I don't mean to focus on language, but I found it an obvious parallel between my friend's comment and the here and now.

As I said, I'm not afraid of making a commitment, as much as I am of buying into it. I wouldn't buy into the idea of a settlement devoted to creative pursuits at this point in my life, because being surrounded by a blend of humanities and practices is key for my sanity and appreciation for life. Seclusion would rob myself of the experiences I draw from and use in evolving my own person. So how would there be any opportunity to thrive? I already spend a great deal of time inside my own head. I need the complexities of everyday society to distract myself from myself.