Thursday, November 26, 2009

Some Things

It's been a while. Little more than a week. Happy Thanksgiving. This past week hasn't included much. Probably why I haven't felt too inclined to write anything. Had a ridiculous Friday, which lead the way for a lazy weekend. Went to Uruguay, specifically Montevideo, on Monday to renew the tourist visa and check out the town. Many similarities to Buenos Aires, aesthetically. You could probably guess it is much smaller, but what I found to be interesting was the wear on many of the buildings near the water in the port. Spectacular real estate. I would imagine at one time it was a very beautiful place in the sense that it was happy, energetic, and a place most people desired to invest in. It is still very beautiful, albeit in a sad, decrepit way. Nice trading one city for another, even for 36 hours.

Anyway, some things have come to mind that I've intended to expand upon using this platform that I just haven't due to no excuses whatsoever. I've been lazy, unmotivated, and maybe a little too comfortable in avoiding myself. Whatever it may be, I'm tired of it. Back to rambling.

I have found, in my time as a human being, taking care of one's whole self is quite an undertaking. There are so many elements to the entire person that when too much attention is paid to one aspect, others go by the wayside. Nothing is worse than ignoring everything. I tried that for a year, well at least part of a year. About halfway through I came to some realization that I wasn't taking care of myself. I began to delve into the mental and emotional elements of my person, all the while still ignoring the bright, flashing sign that said YOU'RE AN IDIOT, PAY ATTENTION! After a few months of succumbing to those blinders I finally came to. Now I find myself in the present, six months removed from the flashing sign. Many permanent (hopefully) changes to my psyche have taken place, and my one desired destination is balance. I've begun to really take care of myself as far as physical health is concerned. The atrocious diet is difficult to avoid in my current culinary environment (eating cheap equals subpar nutritional value). I have been going through with my appropriate rehabilitation exercises for the ankles and shoulders, and they are beginning to make me feel like a man with new ankles and shoulders. It's incredible. I don't know why I never listened to my doctors or physical therapists to begin with. Like all things, listening takes time. I didn't even listen to myself for the year after school ended. Once I started listening to myself, I in turn began listening to others who seemed to know what they were talking about in respect to my well being. Who knows, maybe a consistent and high-level work ethic is next?

Song that periodically gets stuck in my head and I find myself singing out of the blue: Solidarity by Black Uhuru. I've never seen this video before. Indescribable. Magnificent maybe?

Season finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm was great. Being unable to witness the Vikings dismantle the Seahawks due to a late arrival at the bar was not.

More things to come...