Take the time, read the lines. Listen to your heart. Discuss topics, fill your pockets. Break the mold. Beat the cold. Life is what you make it. It only matters what you think, not what anyone else does. Fight the power. Take the sweet with sour. Things are the way they are. It's just the way it is.
This world is a crazy and beautiful place. Some days, I want to retreat entirely and never put myself in a position to try and comprehend it ever again. Other days, I can't get enough of its contradictions and want to bask in the pure absurdity of it all. It's difficult not to think about yourself all of the time. Where you are, what you're doing, what you're life consists of. Its something we all have in common. It seems we, as a collective, spend most of our lives worrying about the big picture items, but it's our minor hap chance encounters, experiences, and enlightening moments that keep us reflecting and progressing as individuals. They are inconsistent in nature and nearly impossible to document from day to day, but they keep me going. Especially now, in this particular and peculiar point in my life, where the 'big picture items' are more or less on the back burner and my fish-out-of-water existence is making way for all kinds of these insignificantly significant occurrences.
One such occurrence, which I nor any of it's witnesses will not soon forget, is the phone exchange I just made with the doorman at our old building. He gave me what seems to be a 5 to 6 year old phone that turns on and off at its own will along with 100 pesos in exchange for my 3 year old (it has Cingular logos all over it, that was about 3 years ago right?) silver flip phone with camera. The dude first got a glimpse of the phone when I asked him to help me add credit for the first time. During that interaction, I unknowingly agreed I would give it to him when I left. He asked me frequently over the past month or so to see it and play with it, and each time I didn't have it on me (hint to how necessary it actually is). I also tried, on every possible occasion, to explain that I wasn't leaving the country and would require it well into the Summer. Nevertheless, he was persistent, and I was impartial. In the end, it definitely did not work to my benefit, and some of my friends can't conceive of why I would ever go through with such a thing. I don't need benefit. I don't know what I need. I don't know much. But I do know he'll have that phone until it no longer functions (similar to the one he gave me in exchange), I do know he's never seen a phone like it, I do know he will give it to his children, I do know he'll always remember the kid who gave him that phone, and I do know that I will remember that kid too. That kid who did things for no good reason.
Take the time to feed the lines. Listen to your art. Distrust topics. Empty your pockets. Eat the mold. Treat the cold. Life is in how you take it. It doesn't matter what you think, nor what anyone else does. Slight the hour. Take sweet as sour. Things are, and they are. It's just the way it is.
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