Monday, November 2, 2009

Lighter Load

Halloween was nothing short of ridiculous. Imagine 150 foreigners walking around in costumes in celebration of a holiday, which for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist here. We partook in a pub crawl throughout our neighborhood. We all worked with what we had to put together our costumes. Matt the basketball player, Alex the surfer, Sean the ninja, Brian the punk, Miles the cowboy, and me, the guy with his clothes on backwards and a bandage wrapped around his head. Can't quite tell you what I was going for, dude with a head injury? backwards man? (thanks Eli) Kris Kross? (thanks Brett), you tell me. It was Dave who had the most intriguing Halloween story. He managed to injure his foot on Thursday night in an alleged break-dancing fight at a local hip hop club. He threatened to forego Halloween altogether, so we did what any irresponsible friends would: acquired a set of crutches and a hooded cape for our fallen Jedi. I think its safe to say he enjoyed the night more than the rest of us.

A lighter load, figuratively and literally. I sent back more than half of my belongings with Dave to California on Sunday. Aside from Dave, we are on the verge of losing another member of the pack. So here I am with half the stuff, and a half of the crew. We spent the day cleaning and preparing the apartment for the walk through and handing back of the keys. Minimal damage, significant memories. Our new apartment is relatively close, just 8 or 9 stone throws away, half the size and price. Interesting to see what the next month has in store. I have grown accustomed to living here. Not necessarily the way I envisioned it, but eventually settings and routines become comfortable.

Comfort is not what I came looking for, which itself remains to be discovered. I am a little upset/pleased with myself over this one. As far as expectations go, I have too easily become complacent in the search for what I hope to gain from this experience, but on the flip side I'm allowing myself to just be myself and share a unique experience with close friends. For example, I have been more concerned with who my 7-1 Vikings are playing on any given Sunday than I have about pretty much everything else. I knew I would follow them closely as I always do, but they have rarely been this good in recent history and its impossible for me to ignore them when I have the opportunity to see every game. Great game yesterday by the way. They gave up a big lead in the 2nd half, but never failed to keep the game interesting. A win is a win. Really, what I'm trying to say is that it has been engrained in my existence to constantly be in pursuit of purpose, and the biggest challenge I've been presented with so far is attempting to ignore the urge. I have been enjoying myself thoroughly and frugally. Time is going to continue running on along with my mind. Something will come of everything, and the more I force it the more uncomfortable I will become in my own skin. I'm well experienced with this dilemma, and its proven to be time and time again unavoidable. Confidence in uncertainty. I'm just a going with the flowing, taking a vacation within a vacation.