Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DC2: There is a Name

If I start out the morning testing my brain, and letting it do what it loves to do, there is no way I can go wrong in a day. I have thus named it Daily Creative (DC). Especially on beautiful, sunny days like today, being far from employed in the conventional sense, releasing my excess creative energy takes a big load off in regard to the pressures of the ensuing hours. Find a job, find a place to live, feed and clothe yourself, be a man. It's a lot to live up to. I'm doing my best. I've always been taught to do things the right way, and I haven't been sure of it. I'm falling into it. I'm creating it.

I've been telling people lately, that my biggest fear is giving up. Becoming content with a situation and letting the light of my soul dim until there's no will to be myself any longer. This is true, but its a bit irrational. I took some time yesterday to think about what my biggest rational fear is, and the best I could do was the thought of waking up 5 days a week for the rest of my life in the dark, to go sit at a desk and wait on the sands of time for 8 or 9 hours. Routine is very important, and I know some people love being up before the rest of the world. I like to think I am the rest of the world. I'm everything everyone else in the world says everybody else is like. Neither here nor there, never concrete, always adapting and keeping true to the idea that there isn't anything worth "giving up" for.

One I love from Funkadelic: "Can You Get to That"