Travel is an adventure. In the rush of this adventure, there always seem to be previously understood notions, ideas, or items which initially go unaccounted for. These eventually return to the psyche as time unravels, events take place, mistakes are made, etc. Following are some personal examples of this common phenomenon from the last 2+ weeks.
-I love photos and intended on documenting this trip thus far, however, I have only taken one. I never take as many pictures as I tell myself I will. Never have I fulfilled my own expectations. Above is the only picture I have snapped in 19 days. It comes as no surprise to many who know me why I found this image appealing, but even I am shocked and saddened that after however many days of roaming the streets this is the only image I can claim. Granted, my camera is bulky and an easy target for any shady character looking for an easy payday. What else can I say? Me encanta.
-Alone time is very very necessary, everyday. I am far away from everyone I know... except the 4 good friends who came all this way with me. Like I said, these are good friends, but knowing myself as I do (I can't even spend a few days with my dog without feeling the need to break away) alone time is a must. I typically start off the day with a nice workout in the crate-sized room that is our resident gymnasio, and I fill out the rest of my designated solitude with drawing, writing, listening to music, reading, or attempting to teach myself the guitar. Spending quality productive time by myself is something I never did at home. It seems much easier to to take time for myself down here, and that is fine by me.
-I am a clean freak, at least when compared to the people I'm living with. This was the case through most of college as well, however I lived at home for the past year and forgot all about the dish-washing, floor-sweeping, counter-wiping pansy that I am. Those who took care of me throughout my upbringing will deny this until the day they die, but its true. I can't stand it when common areas are left unkempt. Its somewhat obsessive-compulsive, but I really can't do anything about it. Call me Maid Murph.
-It may be the American in me, but September comes around and find myself craving one thing... Football. I experienced this exact feeling 3 years ago when I was studying in Australia during the same time of the year, although NFL was much more accessible than it is here. So far I have not seen my beloved Vikings take a snap (other than grainy youtube highlights), but I know this is soon coming to an end. There is one bar (possibly 2) capable of broadcasting American Football here in Buenos Aires. Last weekend, I witnessed the much discussed Washington upset over USC, as well as a few other college games. One thing is on for sure: Vikings (with #4) vs. Packers Monday Night Football, October 5th. If you need to find me, I will most definitely be in that little bar with my Adrian Peterson jersey, shouting and cursing and praying that my own horned heroes don't let me down (fat chance).
-Large quantities of alcohol + Unfamiliar people/places = No beuno. I spent my entire college career (4 years of unfamiliar people/places) a drunken mess, often leaving a trail of disaster and/or embarrassment behind me, and it happened to be, more often than not, perfectly acceptable. It was a specific time and place, and I did a great job toning it down the year post-graduation, mostly. Nevertheless, the urge to drink until I don't know left from right returned upon touching down Argenintaway. Not proud to say, I have fallen short of my self-imposed expectations more than once so far (surprised?), but life is life and you can only try to not make the same mistake three or four times. At least I make it home each night safely without missing any valuables or appendages (one and the same). Aside from saying whatever I want here, this page gives me an opportunity to be honest and keep myself accountable (so that's what I'm doin).
-I miss my family more than anticipated. Of course, a factor in moving halfway across the world was to get some serious time and space away from my family for a greater sense of personal growth and identity development, but they enter my thoughts constantly. Its not a problem, especially when I've done my best to be there for everyone I love over the past 23 years. Leaving brings on a sense of guilt, possibly because my biggest fear in life is not being there if something terrible were to happen. Only natural, but needs to get handled. Still, it surprises me how much time I spend thinking about how they're doing or what their days entail.
-Spending time away from familiarity is overall, very peaceful. Traveling is a stressful practice, especially when you don't know what you're doing, where you're going, or what you think you may be saying. This trip has held its share of stressful moments, but there are numerous instances everyday where I find myself taking a breath, looking around, and appreciating the fact that I'm not where I've been forever doing what I've always done. It is a serene, wonderful, and beautiful thing. My life thus far has been full of ups and downs, ins and outs, and for once I sense the illusion of balance. From my experience, I should immediately bottle this up and try to preserve it forever (definitely not possible).
This being my 3rd, lamest, and most heartfelt post yet, I will leave you with some words I came across on my travels through Southeast Asia last January that I make a point to live by (unsuccessfully):
Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is the unknown. Now is the knowing.
Soak that up...
If you say eSmealio is your only reader again I'm going to be really offended.
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