Sometimes I want to write little quips about things I find interesting, yet when it comes to putting words down, my mind draws blank. It’s frustrating. How versatile would I be as a writer if I could just write about some little factoid at length until exhaustion? I have the ability. I just don’t do a whole hell of a lot of prep work for these things. We people are funny creatures. There are so many of us. It’s pretty frightening. We’re all fighting for our way through this life. The fortunate (myself and most who would ever read this) are blessed with the gifts of time, education, and capability for abstract thought and introspection. The unfortunate (seemingly) expel all efforts on survival. Making way for the next dollar, the next meal, the next relaxing moment. My life seems to rotate around leisure. It’s what I’m accustomed to. I’m also accustomed to getting lost in thought and contemplation. Something that can be as hindering as it is enlightening. So this is my most serious attempt at connecting with myself, nature, and the other 6 odd billion people on this planet. The funny thing is, I don’t expect anyone to read this, but people do periodically and I still don’t even know about it. It’s what I enjoy, and I’m happy with it. I don’t have the will power or ambition to help the world on a global scale, it’s not what I want at all. I think the world is about as perfect it’s going to be at any given moment. There are capable individuals living out their dream helping the disadvantaged all over the world. Everyone’s got their thing and I’ve got mine. Billions of things. No one’s right, no one’s wrong. Some are definitely fucked, and other’s aren’t quite so much. But there’s a (dis)harmony only the supremely positioned and egotistical can ever tamper with. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Luckily for all of us, we have no control, nature reigns. The weight of the world rests only on the psychotic and delusional.
Thom Yorke was a real treat and highlight at Coachella 2 weeks ago. In the middle of his set with his band, he opted to play a few songs by his lonesome. Here are videos of the 3 songs he performed. The first, "Give up the Ghost" really blew my mind when I heard it. A complex string of loops and harmonies. The second he played was "Airbag". A great great song. The last he played was "Everything in its Right Place", which somewhat speaks to my point made above (at least the title). It sounds very different stripped of its electro heavy musical composition, not better, not worse, just different.